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duminică, 23 mai 2010

Calul Fermecat

Legenda calului fermecat

Intr-o noapte furtunoasa o batrana a venit la castelul printului pentru ai cere adapost. Acesta cum a vazut-o a impins-o inapoi si i-a spus:

'Cum indraznesti sa treci pragul printului? Munceste pentru a avea adapost aici.'

Atunci batrana s-a transfomat intr-o printesa si i-a spus: 'Pentru ca nu ai mila de oameni si nu ai nici un pic de suflet te vei transforma �ntr-un cal, iar vraja se poate rupe doar daca o fata �ti va darui 'ceva' din inima.

Au trecut ani si ani si printul era nefericit. �i parea rau de nedreptatea pe care o facuse. �n toti acesti ani printese au venit sa-i aduca daruri crez�nd ca vraja se va rupe si vor mosteni bani. Dar fara nici un rezultat.

�ntr-o buna zi o pastorita pe nume Giralda, care era �ndragostita de print culese o cala pe care o pregatise cu grija. Pe spatele h�rtiei �n care era �mpachetata cu grija pura si stralucitoarea cala, era scris cu rosu 'martisor'.

C�nd s-a �nfatisat �n fata printului el si-a spus �n g�nd: 'De unde cunosc ochii acestia limpezi si at�t de sinceri?'

Fata i-a dat cadoul spun�ndu-i: ' Acesta este un simbol al iubirii care o am fata de tine, printe!'. C�nd printul a atins martisorul si-a recapatat �nfatisarea.

Si au facut nunta mare si cu multa veselie. Printul a hotar�t ca �n fiecare an de 1 Martie sa-si aminteasca de aceasta �nt�mplare si baietii sa le daruiasca fetelor martisoare �n semn de recunostinta si iubire.

The Legend in English:
On a stormy night an old lady came to the prince's palace to ask for shelter. The prince saw her and told her to leave. If she wanted to work she could get a shelter. The old lady changed into a princess and told him ' You have no mercy and you have no soul. You'll turn into a horse. The spell will be broken only if a maiden will give you a gift.' Many years passed and the prince was unhappy and he was sorry for what he'd done. Al these years many princesses came to bring him gifts in vain. One day a young shepherdess called Giralda, who was in love with the prince, picked a snowdrop and she wrapped it in a white paper. On the back she wrote with white and red letter 'martisor'. When she came to the prince he was wandering when he had seen those clear honest eyes? The girl said her gift was a symbol of her love for the prince. She gave him the 'Martisor'. When the prince touched her gift he changed back into a human being, the prince. They got married and they lived happily ever after. The prince decided that from that year on everybody had to remember the 1st of March and boys were to give the girls a Martisor as a sign of gratitude and love.

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